Getting a show from tvdb to TMDb

TMDb recently changed how Strictly Come Dancing has been listed thanks, in part, to me :person_facepalming:. Christmas specials are now being listed within each season rather than in specials, which is correct according to the BBC website. I did report the change to Trakt via the “report show” link on the Strictly page and was informed that, since it still uses tvdb as source, it’s listed on Trakt as it should be.
I know there’s a way to get a show switched over to TMDb but I’ve no idea where to start! I’m assuming it’s making both TMDb and tvdb listings the same but I don’t see an easy way to do that. Any ideas @justin?
I use SeriesGuide to keep an eye on what I watch and can’t mark this episode as seen and it’s annoying the heck outta me lol

You assumed correctly and you have to make an account at TMDB and do it manually. No easier way unfortunately.

I have an account as I update things regularly. I’m not sure if I need to edit tvdb (have an account there too) to reflect the Christmas specials being moved or for differing episodes numbers, eg season 11. TMDb has a red carpet special as the first episode and then an “episode 2” which looks like the red carpet episode, then there’s a “best of” near the last episodes. Do I need TMDb to remove/move them?

Looking at the data, it seems I can migrate this show.
TMDB has one missing episode on season 10 (episode 5), but I can lock it on our end. And I can move the specials to the seasons to match their listing.

The only problem is that TVDB has other specials that could end up being lost because of that. Are they real episodes that need to be added to TMDB?

I’ll take a look tomorrow but I don’t think those are listed on BBC, at least on the Strictly main page. I’ll do a deeper dive in the morning and get back to you :slight_smile:

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Oops, forgot about this. I’ve looked on the BBC site and those other specials aren’t listed, so I’m not sure if they are official/aired or not.

@Sonply any updates on this?

I’ve moved the episodes and migrated the show. The specials that didn’t exist on TMDB were removed, since I couldn’t find anything else about them.

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Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!!

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