iOS Widget No Longer Available without VIP - v2.4

I find it despicable to quietly paywall the widget app on iOS behind the VIP membership in today’s v2.4 iOS app update. No mention is made in the update notes, and the slow migration of basic features behind an ever rising VIP subscription has to stop. Either make the whole app paid or not at this point.


Wow. It’s absolutely disgusting when devs quietly do things like this; it’s so blatantly and deliberately deceptive. I’ve used Trakt for many years and these recent sudden and devious changes have infuriated me.

I don’t mind paying a reasonable fee for the things I really need but when devs act the way that Trakt has recently, it simply motivates me to find an alternative because I refuse to pay for something when I’ve lost faith or goodwill in the product or service; it’s the principle of the thing.

If Trakt continues down this road of alienating existing customers and putting off potential new customers due to a bad reputation, they’ll go out of business before long.


@bedobtz which widget were you using?

The up next one

So disappointed, 4 days before the widget still appeared but today it is gone

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Maybe @Ohifriend can comment on this?

(Is this intentional or a bug?)

This isn’t a bug, but was done at the beginning of January and I did miss including it in the release notes, however not necessarily intentionally. Due to the time line of having Month In Review ready for 1st Feb iOS was submitted in advance for any possible review delays and I’d been focusing on those changes plus the limit bug fixes hence the release notes. When I’m back in the office this week I have some things to bug fix with the latest release and I’ll see if I can include this change in the next release notes at the very least for transparency.

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One of the key selling points when I was switching trackers recently was Trakt had the free widget option. As opposed to all of the other apps available, Trakt had the best widgets but they aren’t worth the price of VIP. Removing this without notice “not necessarily intentionally” for a monthly recap is ridiculous. Guess it’s time to get my data and go back to TV Time or find a new tracker. Any recommendations?


Opino igual…nos han quitado una opcion de las mejores para ser de pago…
Esta bien que cobren ciertas opciones de echo las opciones nuevas que saquen lo veo bien. pero los widgets los tenemos gratis desde siempre y no deberia quitarnos esas opciones.


Reconsider this change… I consider it a serious mistake to remove something that was free… If it were something new I would understand that you left it out, but something that has been free for years…


Tyson, you’ve missed the point. People aren’t upset that you forgot to notify us. We’re upset that you’re slowly driving us all away from your service.


To follow up - The App Store release notes can’t be modified but I’ve updated the release notes that I can modify to include this change, those being on the release notes page here and the newly created ones on the forums here.

Respectively, I responded to the main issue requested - I was asked to respond to regarding whether it was a bug/intentional and chose to respond further to address the issue with the missing release notes which was a mistake on my part - I’m only human!

The change happened regardless of included/missing release notes so I imagine the response from you as users would’ve been similar otherwise. You’re allowed to be upset but I’m not sure there’s anything more I can say to change that, especially that hasn’t been discussed in the forums with any of the recent VIP changes.