Most profile specific pages never load

For a long time prior to the recent changes to the dashboard. It and nearly all watch history related pages on the site generated various Cloudflare timeout errors. 504, 512, 524, etc. This has gotten worse and worse to the point where it occurred greater than 9 times out of 10.
Since the change to the dashboard, it doesn’t time out any longer but the Up next to watch section almost never loads. No matter how long I leave it. Also, pages like Year in Review or Progress continue to time out far more often than they actually load.
Additionally, recently I will often find that items I know I have marked as watched don’t get saved as such. It is to the point where I’ve stopped trying to track movies watched and am only keeping up with TV.
This is clearly not an end device issue as it happens across multiple devices. And, I do recognize that I have a significant watch history, well over a 100k items. Is the service just not able to keep up with that volume?

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