Keep getting this error when I click the progress button in the Up next to watch section.
Kind regards
Keep getting this error when I click the progress button in the Up next to watch section.
Kind regards
Checking to see if this is a known issue.
Could it be that there is too many items being loaded? Do you have any more details? Is it still doing this?
Yes, it still is. If there are too many items, how do I reduce the number of items.
Yeah, the issue appears to be having 749 shows watched. It’s having a tough time loading that much data. I’ll look into this more next week but not sure there will be much optimization I can do.
Is the progress page setup with pagination? I usually keep my page clean so I can’t tell.
I have no idea, and would not know how to tell or set it up.
Yes, it’s paginated. However, we need to perform some calculations on each watched show for the sorting and filtering.