My account has multiple plays, especialy from 23 march 2015. Could you please help me? I’l like to see just 1 play instead of 5-6.
My account has multiple plays, especialy from 23 march 2015. Could you please help me? I’l like to see just 1 play instead of 5-6.
Please send a message to support@trakt.tv
There they can see where these plays came from and if they can help you by removing them.
This happens to me quite often, it seems like old plays might get (re)synced at some point which causes duplicates. What I do, is go to the “Plays” section of my/your profile and just long press on the shows that have duplicates check mark and “remove all plays”. Then, after the page syncs (via ajax requests) you can then click the checkmark on that page, or you can go to you dashboard and the show should show back up in your “Up Next” section.
Just change the above link to your username