Old layout look

Pushed some general performance improvements which will speed up the profile a lot. All sections lazy load in and also cache more heavily. This should increase performance across all profile pages.

Recently watched episodes use screenshots now. Comments expanded with 3 items. Still working through the other feedback and suggestions.

I’m not sure I have control over the click area with the charts. I will take a look though.


I didn’t know where else to put this but it is regarding the change on the profile page UI.

With the recent update, the ratings graph’s clickable links seem to be broken for me. The bars are linked to the wrong ratings filter, using the number of items instead of the rating.

For example, I have 1001 items rated as 7, but when I click on the “7” bar, the link that is provided is something like “sbairedd/ratings/all/1001”, when it should probably be “sbairedd/ratings/all/7”.


It is doing the same for me


I disabled uBlock Origin for Trakt, however Most Watched Genre section is still blank.

On a side note, are there any plans for separating Recently Watched Episodes and Movies into two rows like before?
I would also like to see the option to choose what will be shown on our profile page, like some toggle buttons for the sections in the settings.

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Good bug find, I’ll have a fix out tomorrow.

No plans for that currently.

We’re planning to allow some customization in a future update.

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Why is this thread marked as solved? Just curious. There were a number of things reported by users not happy with the change, that based on feedback, are still being considered. I would have expected the thread to be marked as solved once those things had been addressed or the response had been updated to say there were no plans to address the things users had flagged.

It was marked solved by the original topic author. We’ll continue to consider suggestions and will continue to update the profile page.

I’m honestly also from the “yuck, what happened” camp, especially since the design elements differ quite a lot from the rest of the site (rounded corners, transparent text background, padding between elements). That said, the previous layout was also left underdeveloped for quite some time so a refresh definitly wouldn’t hurt.

As for feedback (with repeats):

General things

  • The page ends rather abruptly after comments. The footer is just right there. Some space between there would help.
  • I would put the recent history before favorites since trakt is about your watch history (that content is also more interesting and dynamic imho)
  • Make the profile about the user you’re viewing. If the person rated something in their recent history then show us that (instead of just our own data).
  • More space for the user backdrop is nice for us VIPs but looks bad on regular users w the stock pattern (I think it’s time to update that design?)
  • This is a general UX thing on the site but you always have to do a lot of scrolling up to access “more” content or specific filters (doesn’t lend itself to “browsing”).
  • Content blocks don’t load in that smooth/fast (especially notciable on images and the history feed) demo: https://streamable.com/a0b92w (pretty much visible on desktop and mobile)

Recently watched

  • Not a fan of combining movies with episodes → Watch behavior between them is generally different; most people watch TV daily/more frequently and time spent also isn’t equivalent. Movies are also a lot more varied between people given that there is way more overlap on (currently airing) shows.
  • Poster view for episodes sucks and looks especially bad when it’s the same show back to back.
  • TV show titles are asbent but would make sense to include as not everything is readable on posters, especially at these sizes.
  • You should increase the amount of “history” that is displayed without having to load a new page. This can be done by doing an inline scrolling thing like on cast pages, some sort of pagination or even better by combining this with a grouping function for TV series like we had on V1, eg. “Watched episode XY of Z + 3 more”

Most watched section

  • Did anyone really care about that card before and finds this useful? This is either skewed by stuff like the Simpsons or quite static. Imho this should be set to a timeframe and be something like “recent obsessions” (but even then, I’m doubtful this works for movies (there it would be other meta data that would be interesting there like genre, production companies, series, actors, etc.))


  • I feel like this could be a two column thing on Desktop. Show one of the sub sections parallel to it or swap the image alignements between rows to make it look more “dynamic”?
  • Increase the number of things shown? Three isn’t a lot. You can still limit the count depending on if they’re “review” length or not?


  • Certain title lenghts pretty much touch the border of the box. Needs some more padding? https://i.imgur.com/XEbYBZz.png
  • That this can be dynamic with the “random” option should be made more evident to users imho (or be the default) - quite a specific setting to know. Offer a dropdown there?
  • Square posters in a rounded box might look OK when quickly scrolling through but I think it’s needs something extra.


  • If this is taking up such a huge junk at least the sections should be properly linked up.
  • Intro text could show the rating average instead of pointing out the obvious that it’s from 1 to 10?


  • Includes dead genres (from TVDB?). For me it shows “Special Interests” as 1 movie but when I click on it shows me all movies and it isn’t in the dropdown either.
  • The genre names are showing a link cursor when hovering but arn’t actually linked to anything?
  • On desktop there is a horizontal scrollbar but smhw on mobile you have to scroll through the whole thing… It takes up more than one screen and if you touch in the empty space to stop scrolling it fades the whole thing to grey since this has some kind of focus element (that extends to whole width
  • The horizontal (Desktop) view does not size the boxes in relation to %s at all (2000 items are the same size as a single one)?

Agree that it’s dumb that it is blocked but Easylist literaly has ‘trakt.tv##.light’ on it’s block list which is kinda baffling… Should definitly be reported on their forums to fix.


sp1ti - These recommendations are absolutely the best so far. I sure am glad I am not the only person that thinks the “Poster” only option is dumb, but apparently Justin is not even willing to consider the option of having the "episode “Thumbs” back. I am absolutely pissed off at this because this in my opinion should be a simple decision, but the fact that I am a “VIP” and had a simple request to give users the option, and he said no, has me considering alternative sites, which aren’t that great, but has a few feature that I am used to.

Anyway, maybe if enough people complain, then he may reconsider. Just, you should certainly consider all the suggestions made by sp1ti.

I’ve mentioned several times in this thread that we are considering and appreciate all these feature requests. There are lots of good ideas and Trakt has always worked by gathering member feedback. The user profile refresh is brand new, so of course we’ll continue tweaking and updating it.


That’s too bad. A majority, if not everyone here, expressed the same desire to have Recently Watched Episodes and Movies split into two separate rows. By grouping them together, we lose episodes’ thumbnails and have to manually switch if we want to see them. That’s just inconvenient, not to mention the generic TV posters on profile page look ugly. At least make the thumbnails show in tab "All’ as well. The dashboard has thumbnails shown and it looks much better than the profile page. And what the other user suggested, Recently Watched should go before Favorites.

Great, because there is too many unnecessary information on profile.

Do you have any idea how to fix Most Watched Genres section? Turning Ad blocker doesn’t help. This feature worked on the old layout, now I just get empty section on my page.

This genre component is the same one used on the dashboard and year in review pages. Is it hidden there too? Please try in a private browser window (which doesn’t load your browser extensions) or another browser and see if it shows up there.

Can it be related to not accepting cookies or something?

jsdelivr.net or something?

It works for me on both normal chrome and incognito (both with ublock origin disabled)

It’s not hidden on the dashboard and year in review page, only on the profile page. I should mention that I use Opera and I disabled both uBlock Origin and built-in Opera Ad Blocker for Trakt. And yes, it shows when I open the page in private window.

Since it works in a private browser, that still points to a browser extension that is hiding or breaking that section.

Website profile updates with these changes and fixes.

* Uses VIP set fanart if available

* Use small user header if not a VIP or if not using custom fanart
* Instructions how to set a profile image
* Optimized iPad/tablet (sm) layout

Stats Boxes
* Non rounded corners
* Last 30 days stats

* Fixed title right padding
* New sorting option that applies to the profile only (default: random)
* Customize link (to settings page) if viewing your own profile

Recently Watched
* Split episodes + movies (instead of tabs)
* Use episode screenshots

* Genre name isn't linked (also fixes dashboard)

* Intro text has the average rating
* Hand cursor to indicate you can click on the bars

Most Watched
* Tab for last 30 days
* Sorting settings to choose the default tab for shows and movies
* Customize link (to settings page) if viewing your own profile

Those are some really nice changes/fixes, thanks.


I absolutely love it. Thank you so much for these changes Justin.




I like the changes. A definite improvement over the previous (new) version. The customization options for the favorites section and most watched sections are a good idea.

One thing I think would be even nicer is if there were more personalization options. It would be cool to be able to organize the different sections in the order you want them in. For example, I think the favorites section shouldn’t be at the top; I would put it much lower on the page. But other people might disagree. That’s why it would be good to have the choice. Perhaps that’s getting too complicated, though. I don’t know what the overall design goals are.
An example of what I’m talking about can be seen on Steam profiles. Steam has ‘showcases’ that users can organize in any way they want.

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Thanks for the updates :+1: .

Some additional feedback:

  • I would move the favorites text a bit slightly up and change the fontsize. Looks a bit out of place imho. (top one is edited https://i.imgur.com/v9u9au6.png (middle bottom one too I forgot))
  • Watch time box content is not aligned to either top or bottom - would be nice if it was to either of them (https://i.imgur.com/1ExhIB9.png). / “Watched” text appears twice and is redundant. Maybe this can be the “transparent” box text and the time frames be titles underneath? / If recent is empty I would state that with a line like on other sections or hide it imho https://i.imgur.com/TQgaiqH.png.
  • I think the “Most watched” box with the recent 30 days is indeed the move to go but maybe it would make sense to check if it has content and fall back to “all” otherwise https://i.imgur.com/AVdQfAA.png or would that conflict with the settings option? (in a way it’s also an alright way to see if someone has been inactive.)
  • If it doesn’t cost more resources I think we be nice to also show the “Series premiere” tag on recent episodes.