Old layout look

  • The favorites text and styles are the same as all other headings. The star is getting cut off in your browser?
  • Watched stats are vertically centered to account for text wrapping on some resolutions.
  • I thought about a fall back too, but just kept it as is for now since the user can select. I might default it to all in a future update.
  • I really like that idea of tagging the series/season premiere and I’ll add that concept in a few other places too like the dashboard and history pages.
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I just realized that there isn’t a season/series finale tag anywhere that I’ve noticed. I don’t know if that is an easy thing to do, but I think that would be a nice addition as well.

Right, maybe it’s just because I’m not used to it on the gradient. I just think it stands out a bit among the elements.

Just me sloppily overlaying the screenshots.

Got another one:

  • Genre bar on other people’s profile takes you to your own selection (/me/).

We’re waiting for TMDB to support that tag, then we’ll add it to Trakt.

Good catch, will have that fixed in the next website update.

Yes, it has to be Ad blocker’s fault. But it’s frustrating that I can’t fix it and that I have blank section because of it.

And these new changes are great, I love them! Thank you for listening to us and implementing the fixes! If I may suggest two more tweaks:

  1. Favorite section should be moved below Recently Watched Movies. It doesn’t really make much sense for it to be the first one listed. After all, Trakt is all about tracking watch history/progress.

  2. There’s too much unused space on the left and right in the header. The tiles could be expanded, made bigger.

I was just going to suggest this! A larger user header on the Dashboard if using a set fanart would look better though. It is kinda tiny right now.

Also If I may, why is “Dashboard” not included on the navigation bar? I feel that adding this and adding this bar to the dashboard would help tie the site together.


Also the genre scroll bar kinda disappears when in dark mode…

We want to feature the favorites so plan to keep that first for the time being.

This depends on your browser resolution. The user profile works like a summary page for example, and has an outer wrapper that all the inner content is bound to. Neither solution is perfect, but we decided to have it a fixed width.

Not planning to change this for now since it would require reworking that entire header area, but something we might look into for the future.

Dashboard makes sense for your own profile, but not when viewing someone else’s profile. The main Trakt logo in the middle of the header links to your dashboard and the user menu has it, which I feel is enough. I personally just click the Trakt logo to quickly get back to my dashboard.

It is pretty subtle, but possibly too light in appearance. Will take a look.

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Can we make the series/season premieres visually distinct? Conceptually I know they’re kinda the same thing, but when scanning through my Up Next it’d be nice to not have to engage my brain

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That’s a good point. We do have to keep in mind we’ll eventually have mid season finale, season finale, and series finale as options (once TMDB adds in support). This would be useful on the calendar too. I guess we’d keep them all shades of green, but not sure yet. Open to other ideas too, but it seems color is the best way to keep them distinct.

I’ve noticed an issue with layout, buttons on official list/collection are cut off in all browsers.

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Same here, Firefox, Win 10

Will have this fixed in this week’s website update.


I haven’t visited this thread in two weeks. But the changes I’m seeing are great. I really like the current profile page. I’m glad the team listened to the feedback. The rounded edges looked really bad before. Square corners fit Trakt much better. Maybe implement square corners in the favorites tile too? Rounded favorites look out of place compared to every other element in the profile page. They stick out.

Btw I very much like the green gear settings buttons that were added to the site, so handy!


I’ve just looked at my profile again and it looks like something changed with the first row. They’re now weird chunky square boxes that look out of place. I preferred the rounded ones, but I guess people who don’t like change or modernising were more vocal. That’s a shame.

Now it’s like the stats row and the favorites row are having a war to see which gets to win an argument about whether Trakt should look more modern or old.

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Yeah I like the rounded corners too!

I think it looks very modern

But I guess I’ll see how it ends up :woman_shrugging: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m team sharp/square corners. The current profile page is great now imo. This push to move everything to rounded corners in every part of the internet is not that good of an idea. Doesn’t fit Trakt at all especially, since all content on Trakt that is pulled from Fanart.tv, TMDB etc will be square anyways, and making some stuff rounded while keeping others square just looks out of place.


I like symmetry and sharp. Now we have both sharp and rounded corners which makes it look messy and out of place. I still liked the bigger squares way more and I still miss those every day! I think it did look modern before.

I like many of the new features on our profiles! There’s so much to see, so much information to share. But when I look at my profile I do think it looks full. I think it looked cleaner before.

I used to prefer boxes with rounded corners as well. Moreover, those four boxes without spacing and attached to the menu bar look wrong.

I preferred the old “Personal Recommendations” rather than the new “Favorites”. I liked seeing what people recommended and I liked recommending things - things that are new or obscure that might have been missed or overlooked. If I want to see what someone’s favorite movies/shows are I can just look at what they’ve rated/ranked a 10 - assuming they rate based on how much they like something as apposed to how “good” it is. So I vote for changing it back to “Personal Recommendations”. PS: Great job with the Android app. It almost has as many features as the website and definitely kicks the iOS app’s lil ol’ butt - the layout is great with tabs at the top as apposed to having to endlessly scroll down…