Request to have watched progess for actor updated

I think it would be great if we had the option (in settings) to make it so that we only have to watch the episodes of a show an actor is in to count towards their watched progress. Especially for when a actor is in only a few episodes of an extremely long show, it doesn’t make much sense to have to watch hundreds of episodes they’re not in for the show to count as ‘watched’ under their watched progress


Well, what if the actor isn’t in every episode, but Trakt list them as a regular cast in X season. Sometimes people on TMDB don’t bother to update it perfectly for every episode.

There is no reason to focus on the accuracy of the data set for this purpose, as far as Trakt is concerned, just assume the TMDB data is accurate.

As I see it there are four options for when to count it as “watched”

  1. When the entire show is watched (currently used method)
  2. When any episode of the show is watched
  3. When every episode that the actor is listed as appearing in is watched (what OP proposes)
  4. When any episode that the actor is listed as appearing in is watched

I think 3 or 4 would be the best method, but I would assume it would take more work under the hood to get it to work.