In my iOS app, I am missing the show Reacher from my Upcoming calendar. I can see the show if I go on the Trakt website, it only seems to be missing from the app.
Could you please send through a screenshot of where you’re not seeing the show and also a screenshot of the website where you are seeing it? That way I can take a closer look, potentially reproduce, and figure out what’s going on. Thanks!
Not sure what changed from last night, but it looks like the show is now showing in the app’s calendar too. I added screenshots of where the issue was, but it seems like the issue is resolved. Appreciate you taking the time to look at it regardless.
App Calendar - This is where the show was missing from:
So initially I saw that it appeared to be airing for you at midnight so I thought maybe it was a filter on the app side when comparing dates, but then I noticed this was an episode in the future, not the day you reported it, and also within 7 days so it’s unlikely it was that.
The full calendar and upcoming schedule request the same data (although different amounts) so it’s hard to say what might’ve happened here and feels like maybe a weird cache issue. Let me know if you see something again and hopefully someone can investigate while it’s still happening.