VIP should have tiers

I didn’t see a previous suggestion for this but I feel like VIP should come in tiers. What I mean by that is each tier allows for different features, with the last tier including everything VIP has to offer.

I’m thinking three tiers, where the most basic one just offers 3-5 VIP features like no ads, year in review, maybe some extra lists etc. At a more affordable price of course.

Then the next tier could include all that plus a few more features. And the final tier could include everything as mentioned before.

I think it would really help out newer people who have joined and want to support but don’t necessarily want every feature VIP has to offer, or finds the price too high for the features they’d actually use, which again isn’t all of them.


there used to be two tiers which was nice, but then they took away the executive VIP tier and made everything flat fee of $60. i doubt they would break things back into tiers which i wish they would. let’s see if anyone will respond back to your suggestion.


I hope so. $60 is steep.


Executive VIP didn’t have exclusive features IIRC. It was just an option for more support.

I’d totally be open to VIP tiers though. There are enough features to make it work.