Automatically sync your streaming services!

So how does this work when TMDB/trakt has the wrong data?
For example the Netflix show, My Happy Marriage - Trakt, TMDB/trakt shows it as one season (wrong) but on Netflix it is shown as two seasons so every episode after episode 12 will not match up.

Who knows! Needs to be able to sync simple one season shows first :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Disney+ syncing isn’t working for me (it is showing that the time itself synced recently, but no new content is showing up as being watched even if I sync All Data)

Netflix stopped syncing on Season 7 Episode 1 of Outlander on the same date 01/02/2025 that I watched the last episode of Season 6. Nothing has synced automatically since.

Another strange thing with Disney+: the scrobbler synced a single Simpsons episode it says I watched October 2021. which is impossible because my Disney account only exists since last week

Disney syncs from the release date on first sync, as Disney/Hulu doesn’t store watched dates

To be clear, I have not watched that episode it says I watched.

I posted my Query in the Help and Support forum 11 days ago hoping to get help.

It got 0 responses from Devs and then was moved to this post in the Announcements forum by a moderator, still no response.

I have been a VIP for 8 years and I know it means nothing to the Devs, but I’m done. I’m cancelling my VIP and going else where.

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Maybe sent an email/dm @support instead. The help forum is more for user to user help/community help I think. Though sometimes a staff member may see it. But they got better things to do than check the forums daily


Been there, done that. At first, there was active communication within the DM with Justin, but then, about 6 weeks ago, support stopped reacting at all, so I have no idea what’s happening at the moment.
Netflix and Disney+ both don’t perform at all, both services don’t catch anything that I’m watching. To me it looks like the feature is broken as hell and they don’t dare to admit it. I offered all the help I can give to identify the problems and contribute to finding a solution, but I got “left alone in the woods”.

I’m sad. The sync feature was very promising. I would really love it, if it would do what it’s supposed to do.

Yeah, I apologize for the slow or lack of responses on the syncing issues. I’ve been swamped with some other higher priority tasks and I need to set aside some dedicated time to get through my support tickets. There are a lot of variables (what service, your region, using VPN, etc) with the syncing that makes it a slow process to troubleshoot.

Hey Justin,
first of all, thanks for the update. I fully understand that there’s much more to do as a Director than processing support tickets.
But, on the other side… shouldn’t you have a team of people who can do these tasks as well, so you can handle your higher priority tasks without having the sync problem investigation being stuck in the void?
Sometimes, when scrolling through the forum, it almost looks like you’re more or less the only one answering to user input and I don’t think that this should be your status-quo here.
Yes, it’s quite disappointing that this highly praised feature has so much fail in it at the moment. But it seems to be much more absurd that it looks like there’s no progress with the feature’s problems investigation. It really feels like you’re the only one handling this.
Again, I confirm my offer to provide any help I can give to investigate and I assume that a lot of users here would do the same, but it needs someone on Trakt’s side to receive and process it. Full-time, at best :wink:

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For now I have removed all sync services from my account. The feature is simply too buggy and while that can be expected because it is still in beta, the lack of response to questions on this forum leaves me wondering who I am testing this for.

I understand that Justin has more things to do, and I appreciate his efforts, but as Frank42 said I would expect there to be more people from Trakt involved in this. It should not be a one-man show.

I will try the sync service again when there are more resources available to fix the issues.

How do you connect Apple TV if it’s via an Amazon Subscription, or will the Prime connection also pick those watches up?

I assume this will all sync under the Prime connection, but I haven’t specifically tested this myself.

Valid comment, but I currently own this task and am the engineer working on it. I had a good chat with Younify yesterday about some of the outstanding bugs and we’re working to find fixes on their side and our side.

Later this week, I am hoping to get through some of the private support tickets related to these issues. This main thread is honestly hard to parse through and debug individual issues.

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