I went through my previous tickets and none of the issues have been resolved even though the ticket is marked closed.
We’ve moved to an internal system for content reports and aren’t using the help desk for that anymore. I think I replied to one of your tickets and mentioned that, but I could be thinking of another member. We are working through thousands of reports right now.
I believe that may have been me LOL.
Yeah I’m talking about the internal system. Where you click on report show/episode in the main site.
You go to support.trakt.tv to look at the ticket status right? I went there and noticed all the closed tickets.
No, we aren’t creating help desk tickets anymore for reported content. We’re still building the internal system, starting with us being able to manage and fix the reports.
Sorry, I’m confused. So the tickets that are being generated through the report button on the main site go to the help desk that isn’t being used anymore and is gradually being transitioned into the new internal system? Is that right? So support.trakt.tv is obsolete right now?
And I still don’t understand why the tickets were marked as closed. #8794, #8658, #7358, #7321, and #6983 are the previous 5 for reference. The tickets should still be open even if they’re not being used anymore no?
This is a good point imo as one cannot easily tell if the issue reported has actually been dealt with.
When you report content, we aren’t creating associated help tickets anymore. Existing tickets from the report button were closed since we’re using our new system. The support site is used for everything else.
It was too much to manage via the help desk, which is why we created a new system (only for reported content). For example, if the same item is reported by multiple members we can handle all those fixes at once instead of replying to 10 tickets individually.
We will eventually have a way to see your reports and the status somewhere on the website to know when they are resolved.
Fair enough, I can imagine any optimization in dealing with reports is great but were open requests just closed or actually migrated over? I have 3 month old tickets (most silently closed a month ago) which are still unresolved.
Also are you still merging the dups or do you just delete them now? Past duplicate reports always had their URL slugs ported over but when checking the recently resolved duplicate reports the dup link is now always a 404?! I wanted to test this out a while ago but I forgot about which ones :/…
All reports have been logged to our internal system from the beginning, so yes they are all there. We just aren’t creating help desk tickets from those reports anymore. We have thousands or reports and it takes a long time to get through these. Some are quick and others might take an hour to investigate and remap stuff.
Data is merged into the main record, but that old item is then removed. I’ll look into copying the slug over to the new item and see if that will work.
We have a basic page now to see all of your reports. You can filter to see what’s pending, approved, or rejected. If needed, we leave notes about what we did or any additional steps that need to be taken.
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