Different icon for watchlist and other lists

When looking at movies/series in search results, lists etc. the list icon under the poster for the movie/series has a blue background if you have it in a list. This is nice, however to see if it is in the watchlist or just another list I have to hover over the icon with the mouse which is inconvenient, especially if I want to check many movies/series.

It matters a lot to me if it is in the watchlist or not, so it would be great if the icon was different if the movie/series was in my watchlist. This feature would be similar to the watch now button which has a different look if it is in any of your favorite services vs. just in non-favorited services.

So there would have to be a third list icon added, so there’s one for not listed in any lists, one for listed in the watchlist (and possibly other lists) and one for listed in one or more of your lists, but not in the watchlist.

This applies to both the webpage and the Android app (and probably the iPhone app, but I haven’t used that).