Filter watchlists by status

How can I filter my movies in lists by status? For example: cancelled or planned.

If you click the eye icon in a list it will let you filter.

More info about lists here…
Manage your watchlist & personal lists | by Trakt | Trakt Blog

No. There are no Filter for cancelled or planned. I only want to see the status canceled in a list!?

To filter by planned just hide ended/canceled and currently airing.
To filter by cancelled hide currently airing and unreleased.

but unfortunately that doesn’t work. currently airing only seems to work for series.

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Ah I see what you mean now, perhaps “currently airing” needs to be updated to “currently airing/released”.

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I usually just order by release date and look at the ones without a date. The only thing is you’ll have to check them manually if you’re trying to find ones that have been cancelled.

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I’m changing this to a Feature Request.

I think the easiest way to do it would be a sort function on Status so all the planned would be together and the cancelled/ended together, etc, and then you could hide the others as needed.

Screen Shot 2021-04-14 at 12.58.18 PM

Would this meet your needs?

It would be great if we could filter each status on his own. No combi needed cancelled/ended. Just let us filter by each status. Thank you for help. This would be a useful Feature.

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If this is going to be a feature request, might as well ask for advanced filtering of lists as well :smile:

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Please keep feature requests as simple and separate as possible so it’s more clear what users are voting for.

(So open another topic for that please.)

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