How to see scrobbles vs manually added plays?

Is there a way to see my scrobbles vs plays I have manually added?

I have 2 different types of plays: scrobbled plays from players like Plex and plays that I manually added by selecting the release date because I know I’ve seen them but I don’t know when.

The ‘History’ page treats both of these plays the same but is there are way to see one or the other? I wasn’t sure if there’s a filter or some kind of indicator for how the play was received by Trakt. I’m also able to use the API if it has that information.

I don’t think so. I looked at my backup file and there is no indicator there. What you could do in the future is to pick a strange watched time when you manually mark something watched, get your backup, export the json to Excel, format a column for the time and filter for only those with the strange watched time. But I’m probably overthinking it!

So I’ve been digging around in the API and it looks like this is possible from there.

Using the endpoint returns all of your history and each item has a action key with a value of scrobble, checkin, or watch.

I just tested this and it looks like scrobbled items correctly have an action of scrobble while items added using the “Add To History” button (purple) on the site have an action of watch. So all of the plays I manually added can be filtered by using the watch value.

Obviously, it’s not ideal to have to do API requests to get this info but at least it’s available. For more info about this specific endpoint, see the docs here. Also note that this endpoint requires authentication so anyone else using this will need to get a token following the directions in the link above.

It should be in your backup JSON files too, that uses the same API calls to generate it.

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