I was a potential new subscriber to VIP even thought I’ve been a Trakt member for a decade I’ve never really used the service that much and definitely never saw the need to pay for it, until I found the 3rd party app Rippple and about the scrobbling features, mainly the Plex server webhook feature, but only that really interested me tbh, the rest is just padding to me.
So I had been meaning to sign up for the last 6 months, but hadn’t got round to it due to being busy, and the last time I looked at the pricing it was around £30 for the year, which I was just about happy with.
Then I saw the one month free trial in the iOS app and decided to give it a go, And I said to myself at the end of the trial, I’ll subscribe for the year (at £30).
About a week ago, I saw a Reddit post discussing the hike and the fact that it had doubled, I laughed and was like NOPE.
£60!? For what exactly? 90% of the VIP subscription offerings are intentionally pay walled features that any other social media platform would have provided for free and wouldn’t have even considered charging for.
Imagine Google maps charging you a subscription to test beta apps or add place pins to lists, It’s ridiculous.
Your business model is grasping at straws.
Over the last 30 years of the Internet I’ve seen so many websites try to pay wall useless features behind excessive pricing and there’s one direction these companies go, and thats towards the light.
So all trakt have essentially done is con themselves out of £30 because now I won’t be subscribing at all.
Same here. Apparently, my card has changed and the auto-renewal isnt working (I don’t recall changing my card but I might have), so now if I input my new card it tries to charge me 60$. Sadly, that won’t happen : I gladly paid 30$ to support the website (subscribed after the API went down 2 or 3 years ago to support), but I won’t pay 60$ “just because”. Please bring back the 30$/year plan, even if you remove some or all VIP features of it, I don’t care. I want to support but won’t do it for double the price for features I do not use.
Having no communication about this except this forum thread is mind-blowing and looks like a cash grab that won’t happen. It saddens me.
Yet another user who could have used an email communicating the price increase. You’re only going to get more @justin
But to be fair,
Most of the and are things any other social media site can’t charge for because they’re completely unique to Trakt. And idk they seem fine. Extended/enhanced functionality that isn’t available to everyone.
Imagine Google maps charging you a subscription to test beta apps or add place pins to lists
Google has the resources to open up beta app to everyone. But if you scale down you’ll see that this is not unusual. Plex for example requires Plex Pass to access beta features.
While going through my subscriptions, I just noticed the price change. Would it be possible @justin to add the current user’s price to the “Your VIP auto renews on” text on the Manage VIP page, so it’s clear how much will the user have to pay in the next billing cycle?
If you click payment history on the website VIP page, it will indicate the price you most recently paid. There are a lot of variations (PayPal, stripe, android, iOS) so the most accurate will be to look at that history. If you paid via an app, you can view it in your account settings.
Had auto-renewal turned on, I was supposed to be charged around 30 minutes ago but I wasn’t. Now I don’t have VIP anymore, only the option to subscribe again (but for double the price).
Funny enough, I just realised I still have the VIP badge in the forums, but I cannot access VIP features like “Year in Review”. Emailed support, I hope they can fix it.
Later edit: not sure if someone from support did anything, but I got an email saying that my payment failed and that I should update my credit card via the link that was sent. I did (put the same old card in fact, which was valid) and got charged instantly with the old price ($30). So it worked out well in the end.
I also think $60 a year is very overpriced. Especially since I do not use any of the features offered by VIP. Now the number of collecting episodes has been limited to 100 episodes and 2 personal lists. TRAKT is unusable now I can no longer collect any more episodes. I will not pay $60 a year for just administering my collection
I would like to believe this but my own billing history shows that I was increased from 15 to 30 between my 2016 payment and 2017 payment. Never had a break in service
I am a free user and didn’t pay for VIP because frankly I wouldn’t have had much use for the extra features. Now you’ve changed your policy on list limits you’ve nerfed the service for free users too harshly making Trakt fairly useless unless you only consume a small amount of content. I don’t know what Im going to do now really? The only thing I can’t do without is my collections list which I add things I want to watch to. I don’t use the watchlist as it deletes content and I share my lists with others in a shared house. I won’t benefit from 90% of the VIP features so it’s $60 a year when everyone is feeling the pinch financially to simply have a collection list. It’s too expensive really for what it is and seems unfair. I urge you to consider a lower priced tier say $30 for people who don’t use many of the VIP features so we can still support and not look to transfer to an opposing service.
Why? Adding watches is unlimited. You can track as much content as you want.
Why are you using your collection as the watchlist? Yes, it auto deletes, but if you watched something, it’ll be in your progress section and up next on your dashboard. Why would it need to stay on your watchlist if you’re already watching it?
Then maybe use both the watchlist + collection, and maybe also use two lists. Then you have 400 items to add, or, without the watchlist, still 300 items.
watchlist is limited to 100. Just had the issue today and didnt even knew there was a change. Now i cant mark series/movies i want to watch, because my watchlist is already at 104 items.
My other lists (5) are full aswell and if you would add movies or series that would be coming up, you wont get it in your calendar if its not on the watchlist.
And thats the feature i mostly used trakt for. to track upcoming series/movies and keep track of already watched series/movies.
So yeah i would love to pay like 20-30 euros a year, but not 60 just for that basic feature.
I use the Collected button a lot, so it’s added to Collections. When I have seen a show it’s from my collection, and I change it to Watched.
I do it this way, because otherwise the “Watchlist” becomes to big. I use that as a list to indicate the series that I am actively watching (or waiting for new episodes, season). The shows I collected are the ones that I plan to watch.
All lists (incl the Watchlist) have now been decreased to a limit of 100 items, which is ridiculous low.
I already synced trakt to simkl. Only downside is that they do not support the collection feature. So still looking for alternative as I will NOT pay $60,00 a year for the limited amount of features I actually use.
There is a difference between “Watched” and “Currently Watching”. I do not see why I should change the way I administer my progress of watching etc. I just refuse to pay $60,00 per year. I’ll keep using Trakt for progress, but will register my collection elsewhere (IMDB Maybe)
Same here, let me pay $20-30 per year, and lift the cab on lists and collections, remove all the other features, and I am happy. Please introduce a light version of VIP.
Hi Justin, here is some feedback. $60,00 per year is way to much for what I do on trakt. However, I’d be more than willing to signup for a limited VIP that lifts the cab on collections and lists. All the other features I do not use at all. Why not do light VIP as well. You will most likely draw way more paying members, and lose less free-users like me
I am another one who wished there had been more notice about these changes before they took place. I was just starting to fully understand all the ways Trakt can be used, and I was considering a VIP membership. If it had been well publicized that the free tier was going to get way worse unless you became a VIP for $30 a year, and, if you didn’t, it was going to be $60, I would have bought a membership. Instead, I just discovered my Watchlist and Collection no longer work, and the only fix is to spend $60 a year for something that could have, should have cost $30 a year with any warning. It all comes across as rather punitive. I fully understand why you need VIPs and don’t begrudge that you need more memberships, and a possible fee increase. I would be more than willing to pay $30 or $35 a year with an autorenewal for VIP, but paying $60 a year simply because I didn’t know what you were planning would make me feel like a real schmuck. I am sure many feel the same way.
I collect series, I do not watch them all, so adding them to “Watchlist” makes no sense. I add them to Watchlist when I actually start watching them. With the 100-item limit, also the watchlist becomes threatened, as it will soon be holding more than a hundred items (episodes, not series). Please rethink this cab.