Suggest a random item from my watchlist

For those with hundreds of movies on their watchlist, it would be great to have a feature that picks one item at random to help you decide what to watch next.

Some examples of how a person could use it:

  • Suggest a random [movie] from [my watchlist]
  • Suggest a random [tv show] from [some other list]
  • Suggest a random thing to watch from my watchlist that is available on [Netflix or Mubi]

You’d put in some criteria and then it would show you something from your watchlist.

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As someone who has over 1800 movies and over 400 shows on their watchlist… I definitely need this :joy:

You can (somewhat) do this already.
Filter your watchlist by the criteria you want and then sort it randomly. It won’t generate only one result, but the items will be in random order so you could (as a rule of thumb) pick the first item in the list.


Yes, this his what I was going to suggest also. It can essentially be done using random sorting.

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I didn’t realize there was a random sort option in the list views. I thought I had checked, but I must have missed it.

I suppose that works perfectly, then. The feature I was picturing was basically just that, but with a dedicated UI. Thanks!

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