Like others here, my scrobblers don’t seem to be auto-syncing, although when I trigger them manually they do seem to work.
Do I understand correctly that right now you can only set up scrobblers on the mobile app, but you can only view the sync status of the scrobblers you have set up on the web app? If so, that’s an odd split of the user experience for this feature.
Correction: my manual sync requests also don’t seem to be having any effect anymore.
This will be a circuitous answer, for sure.
Also, note, I’m just another user like you.
I’m using the Android app and I haven’t x’d out of the announcement box displayed when you first open the app.
If you click the “CONNECT YOUR SERVICES” button [or the gear on your profile], you can see if your scrobbing setup is working as there’s a checkmark next to each service. If instead of a checkmark, you see a button that says FIX. Depending on the service, clicking that button may work or not. If it doesn’t work, unlink and re-link the service. For me, that has always worked.
As for whether the scrobbing is actually progressing, I suppose you ccould check your History feed, but if you’re looking for an actual progress feed (i.e. this view was recorded at this time), at least in the Android app, that information does not exist. You have to check on the web app, for sure.
As someone mentioned earlier, it all seems very beta and I’d rather they fix the feeds they’ve added so far before adding more services.
I apologize if this is more drivel than you cared to read.
I’ve succesfully connected my HBO Max account (I’m living in the Netherlands where it’s still called HBO Max instead of MAX), but syncing doesn’t work.
Even manually starting the sync does not sync a show I watched yesterday.
In the iPhone app there are checkmarks and on the web I see no errors. The last time it reports as being synced was when I connected the service on the 28th.
Is there any known issue with Max at the moment that could cause this?
I just detected a totally different problem… my amazon account is registered with, not - I’m able to log in with the same credentials but it seems that younify can’t handle this country-based difference, since trakt scrobbler keeps showing the “sign in” button even after successfully signing in.
I assume this is because Prime Video on seems to be different than Prime Video on - and there’s no way to select the country before adding this.
Is there any rule to how much you gotta watch off a movie or episode. And is it or will it be possible to make it so a push notification is send to the app on your phone for rating.
@agneev Please try again, they deployed another potential fix for the student Apple account.
I have connected and hit the sync nothing is happening
A sync isn’t instant, it might take a few minutes or even an hour for the initial data to sync over. Did you choose to sync all your existing data after connecting a service?
No just going forward.
Same here, sadly
After completing the Netflix login it just gets stuck at a screen with two buttons:
“Watch Netflix on your phone or tablet - Open in the Netflix app”
“Manage Account”
Do I need to do anything after logging in for it to proceed?
My Netflix has been stuck on queued for a while now, so I believe I’m probably having the same problem as you with Netflix, but prime and Apple do seem to sync, but it does take 24 hours and isn’t instant
It stopped working for me as well.
Have been trying to get Apple TV+ synced since yesterday & Prime Video is stuck showing “Last synced: Queued” (it is a show I’m rewatching so it may not yield results but still weird that it keeps showing queued)
Edit: It finally synced Apple TV+ overnight
Is the Streaming Scrobblers part of the app down? I’m receiving this error
Also notice that on the Trakt website Scrobblers settings section, I can’t see any of the services I’ve signed up. I do still see the data syncs that have occurred. I just don’t have the section that shows Netflix, Apple TV+, and Prime Video for example @justin
The scroblers page on the site is now also throwing a 500 for me (along with the dashboard) The rest of the site (as well as Trakt Lite & Trakt app) does seem to work as expected though
There was a temporary issue with the Younify service, but it looks to be resolved now.
when is crunchyroll coming?
when is crunchyroll, viaplay… coming?
Disney+ later when they get history!!!?